The village of Arbanassi (population: 310 inhabitants) is one of the most picturesque old villages in Bulgaria.
It is an architectural reserve and Center for tourists from all over the world. The clean air and the unique view, as well as taverns with traditional Bulgarian wine are part of the challenge, which attracts many visitors. The stay in Arbanassi inspires pride of the historical past of Bulgaria with its picturesque buildings built by famous architects and icon-painters. It is situated on the rocky plateau of the same name, only 4 km northeast of the medieval capital of Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovo town.

With the monumental and unique Renaissance architecture of the houses and churches from the 16th-17th century and the natural landscapes Arbanassi is a real paradise for tourists. Especially beautiful are the seven churches of the 17th century. With its high walls, small windows and inaccessible, iron-bound oak doors, they harmoniously fit into the overall architectural appearance of the settlement.Almost deprived of external decoration, inside the churches are richly painted and decorated with incredibly beautiful carvings and painting.The village of Arbanasi is declared for an architectural reserve and it is included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.There are 5 churches and 2 monasteries built in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. „Rozhdestvo Hristovo” /Nativity of Christ/ is the oldest of them and with the most picturesque decoration. The largest is the church "St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel ". The smallest is St. Athanasius church built in 1637. Immediately next to the village were built the two present-day acting monasteries - St. Nikolay and the Assumption. There are 80 houses preserved dt Arbanassi of which 36 are national monuments of culture.